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Ebrington Primary & Nursery School, Clooney Campus, Londonderry

Speech and Language 1

September 2023

A very warm welcome to our Speech and Language Class. Even though we are from different local schools, we are joining together in Speech and Language class 1- how exciting!    The adults in our room are looking forward to working with our children and begin our learning through our first topic- 'Colours of the World'.

We have lots of practical learning tasks planned for indoor and outdoor and we can't wait to get started. 

Thank you for attending our Introductory Stay and Play dates and thank you for acknowledging the video sent via our parents platform, our class Seesaw.

Mrs Marlow, our Speech and Language therapist will be in school Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday in September and then on a Monday and Wednesday after that.  Mrs Atkinson is our classroom assistant who is here everyday from 8:40 to 3:00pm.

Please remember to get in contact through Seesaw or send an email to


This term we look forward to celebrating an important date in mid October- DLD day.  Watch this space to see more closer to the time.




















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