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Ebrington Primary & Nursery School, Clooney Campus, Londonderry

Curriculum Evening Summary

22nd Sep 2015

Homework in Year 3:

Homework is set every Monday. 

This will consist of a Literacy/Numeracy/Topic or Fun activity.  This should be returned every Thursday. 

Children will receive 5 spellings on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday.  These spellings should be practised each night for the weekly test of 15 spellings each Friday.

They will also receive a 'Number Story' which should be completed on the sheet and then written out as a practise in their homework books each night for their weekly test on a Friday.

This is an example of a weekly homework:

Mon 21st Sept.

For Thurs 24th Sept.

  • Complete 2D shape activity sheet.
  • Complete 5 spellings mon, tues, wed.
  • Complete the story of 11.
  • Revise 15 spellings and your number story on Thurs for Fri test.

Your child will also read each week.  There reading day will always be the same day and it is important your child's reading folder remains in their bag at all times.

For example:

Monday readers: 1 or 2 books sent home for the whole week to be read and discussed each night and activity to be completed if set.  An activity may not be set every week.  Children will use their reading books within classwork activities and it is vital that books are returned to bags after they are read each night.  There book/s will change the following Monday.  Likewise for Tues/Wed/Thurs/Fri readers.